Welcome to Meet Plus!

Meet Plus is a tool dedicated to optimizing the Microsoft Teams meeting experience. We're committed to making it easy for teams to host a better online meeting.

1. Two meeting types

As we all know, Microsoft Teams' meetings are divided into "Meet now" and "Schedule a meeting." The difference between them is whether a schedule is generated in the calendar. You can see the buttons for these two types of meetings in the top toolbar of a channel. Therefore, the meeting function in Meet Plus is also distinguished in this way.


2. Function Introduction

2.1 Meeting Tab

2.1.1 Meet Now

The most common meeting function won't generate a schedule. Hitting "Meet Now" will start a meeting and automatically copy the shortened meeting link to your clipboard while bringing up the audio and video settings window for Microsoft Teams meetings. The format of the shortened meeting link is "*https://meetplus.net/m/M-*" followed by the automatically generated meeting ID.


2.1.2 Personal Meeting Room

The personal meeting room is a unique feature of Meet Plus that does not generate a schedule. Hitting "Personal Meeting Room" will create an exclusive meeting link for you, which means you will get the same link whenever you click this button. It won't automatically bring up the audio and video settings window because you can join the meeting anytime through the link.


2.1.3 Join Meeting by ID

Join a meeting with a meeting ID generated by Meet Plus.


2.1.4 Schedule Meeting

Hitting "Schedule Meeting" will redirect you to the built-in scheduling window of Microsoft Teams. After all, Microsoft Teams has already done an excellent job in this regard. We have added this button to shorten your operation path.
